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    Elastici per l'estensione delle dita

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    Stai spremendo tutto il giorno. Alla barra per trazioni, durante la distensione su panca, con le nostre pinze, ecc.

    Ciò richiede un po' di equilibrio. È importante allenare anche i muscoli antagonisti e quindi allenare regolarmente l'apertura della mano. Ecco perché vogliamo presentarti i nostri elastici per le dita, che fanno esattamente l'opposto della compressione: l'estensione. Questo è un bene per un avambraccio equilibrato e svolge anche un ruolo importante nella salute delle mani e nella prevenzione di lesioni all'avambraccio come tendinite, sindrome del tunnel carpale, gomito del tennista, ecc.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 11 reviews
    Malik Gruber

    I use finger extensions as a warmup and it's perfect to prepare for a workout

    Erik Jernstedt

    I would like them to be more resilient, but they are aight

    Thanks for your review Erik! It's a delicate trade-off that has to be made for this product - between resiliency and resistance. Since only silicone material will be able to provide the elasticity that's required for the exercise, we can't make the silicone too thick and resilient, otherwise the resistance would be way too high. Therefore, it has to be made a bit thinner, so that your fingers have enough strength to use them.

    Cédric Grenon
    Finger extension elastics

    Nice equipment but the 3kg one is already broke, so not very resistant...

    Ronny Geuens

    Er zou binnen de ring een soort van mousse moeten zitten zodat je minder kracht op je vingerscan moeten zetten maar zuiver op je onderarm werkt . Hierdoor moet je minder pitsen als je zwaar neemt . Ik steek er nu telkens zelf iets tussen waardoor mijn grip vaster zit .

    jeremy rion

    Niveaux bien évalués entre les élastiques, bien en complément des pinces

    Elastici per l'estensione delle dita

    Pavlo Kordiyaka, Evgeny Prudnik and 20k+ other people are using Golden Grip

    Pavlo Kordiyaka, Evgeny Prudnik, and 20k+ other are using Golden Grip

    Strumenti di presa realizzati nei Paesi Bassi

    30-giorni rimborso garantito

    Garanzie a vita*

    Spedizione e reso gratuiti per l'UE > €100

    Strumenti di presa realizzati nei Paesi Bassi

    30-giorni rimborso garantito

    Garanzie a vita*

    Spedizione e reso gratuiti per l'UE > €100

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 11 reviews
    Malik Gruber

    I use finger extensions as a warmup and it's perfect to prepare for a workout

    Erik Jernstedt

    I would like them to be more resilient, but they are aight

    Thanks for your review Erik! It's a delicate trade-off that has to be made for this product - between resiliency and resistance. Since only silicone material will be able to provide the elasticity that's required for the exercise, we can't make the silicone too thick and resilient, otherwise the resistance would be way too high. Therefore, it has to be made a bit thinner, so that your fingers have enough strength to use them.

    Cédric Grenon
    Finger extension elastics

    Nice equipment but the 3kg one is already broke, so not very resistant...

    Ronny Geuens

    Er zou binnen de ring een soort van mousse moeten zitten zodat je minder kracht op je vingerscan moeten zetten maar zuiver op je onderarm werkt . Hierdoor moet je minder pitsen als je zwaar neemt . Ik steek er nu telkens zelf iets tussen waardoor mijn grip vaster zit .

    jeremy rion

    Niveaux bien évalués entre les élastiques, bien en complément des pinces